Anne Sinclair comes from the old school of French political wives. When her husband admitted to an affair in 2008, she wrote on her blog: 'We love each other as much as on the very first day.' 安妮辛克莱(Anne Sinclair)是那种老派的法国政治人物的妻子。当她的丈夫在2008年承认自己有婚外情时,辛克莱在她 [查看全文]
继去年的龙袍,今年范冰冰再出奇招,用一袭仙鹤装在戛纳再度上演中国风。可是也有人指出,鹤 (crane)在法语中象征愚蠢和恶妇,如此着装有些尴尬和不够得体。明星在红毯上常常风情万种,不过背后的故事你又知道多少呢? Fan Bingbing had no idea that her red crane gown signified something different in France when she sported the dress on the red carpet at the Cannes F [查看全文]
小盆友、大盆友都好,儿童节是所有童心依旧的人的节日。小编精选了十部非动画类的儿童影片,让我们在奇妙的电影世界里迎接我们的节日。 哈利波特系列电影 哈利波特是一个孤儿,从小寄 [查看全文]
在当下残酷的就业市场中,大多数求职者都身经百战,面对面试官的各种提问见怪不怪。然而很多求职女大学生们万万没有想到会遇到如此要求:能否为老板提供色情 (erotic) 服务? In today`s cutthroat job market for recent graduates, even the most stellar resume isn`t usually enough to land a well-paying and secure job. Most job-seekers know they [查看全文]
Not every industry was decimated by the recession, in fact some areas of the economy are thriving. 经济衰退并没有摧毁每一个行业,事实上国民经济中的某些行业正涌现蓬勃发展的势头。 As a counterpoint to a recent report on the the top 10 dying industries, research firm IBIS World has released a lis [查看全文]
This spring, Russian billionaire Yuri Milner paid $100 million for a French chateau-style mansion in Silicon Valley, setting a record for the highest price ever paid for a single-family home in the U.S. In January, Ukraine's Rinat Akhmetov closed on two o [查看全文]
Singapore's first prime minister and its founding architect, Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, said Saturday he will leave the government's cabinet to make way for a younger generation of leadership. The move follows a significant decline in support for the p [查看全文]
每年的戛纳电影节都会像块磁石(magnet)一样,吸引着各界明星悉数登场。镁光灯前,华服霓裳相互斗艳。本届的戛纳红毯上,范冰冰也再次以仙鹤红裙成功谋杀菲林,成为国内外媒体关注的焦点 [查看全文]
A Swiss adventurer has finally made a historic jetpack-powered flight above the Grand Canyon, organizers claimed Tuesday, days after he canceled a bid saying he had not trained enough. 组织者本周二称,瑞士探险家伊夫?罗西身背喷气动力 [查看全文]
We spend a third of our lives asleep, yet while it's accepted that sleep is good for health, many people don't realise it's not just the quality and quantity of sleep that matters it's also the position you adopt. 我们一生中三分之一的时间都 [查看全文]