The Social Network grabbed four awards including best picture at the Golden Globes on Sunday, trouncing top-tipped British drama The King's Speech which garnered only one. In what is traditionally seen as a pointer to the Oscars next month, [查看全文]
According to the Daily Mail on January 14, German Shepherd Mitzi is back on her feet again after being trampled by a horse. Thanks to the artificial foot and ankle, she becomes the first dog in the world to be fitted with such device. 德国牧 [查看全文]
资料图:伦敦内衣女郎街头游行 呼吁增加内衣款式 On January 13, a group of women wearing only underwear in the street of London paraded down Oxford Street to protest against less and less options of underwear style for old [查看全文]
资料图:日本年轻美少女玩过山车 欢庆成年礼 On January 10, many Japanese girls in kimonos rode on a roller-coaster to celebrate the coming of the adults' festival at an amusement park in Tokyo, Japan. 1月10日,一些日本女 [查看全文]
资料图:揭秘韩国艺术考试 白裙少女翩翩若仙 On January 11, examinees practiced dancing at Sangmyung University just before 2011 South Korea national entrance exam for college dance majors. 1月11日,考生们在详明大学进 [查看全文]
The risk of heart disease as well as premature death from any cause soared for those spending more than four hours a day glued to a screen, it was claimed. 据称,对于每天端坐在电视机前的时间超过四小时的人来说,罹患 [查看全文]
It's a brave statement to make - and is likely to be countered by the many billions of women who dote on their best female friends. But writer Kelly Valen has sparked controversy in the U.S. by claiming that women are 'inordinately' mean to [查看全文]
Charity worker Simone Back, 42 and suffering depression, died of an overdose on Christmas day after she left a suicide note on Facebook which was responded by her Facebook friends' ruthlessness. 英国《每日邮报》5日报道,现年42岁 [查看全文]
资料图:软件工程师 Software engineers have the top jobs, thanks to the exploding demand for high-tech gadgets and the appetite for applications for iPods, tabletsand other devices, said the survey by online jobs site 开 [查看全文]
(图片来源于网络) Women trying to conceive can increase their chances of giving birth to a girl by eating more fruit and vegetables, according to scientists. They found that consuming food with high levels of calcium and magnesium [查看全文]