Eva Longoria is breaking her silence after filing for divorce from Tony Parker, her husband of three years. It is with great sadness that after 7 years together, Tony and I have decided to divorce, the Desperate Housewives star Tweeted on W [查看全文]
资料图:和她迟迟不来电?改变你的调情方式 There is a lot more to flirting than fun, according to a new research study that says finding success in romance depends in part on understanding your own personal flirting style. 一项 [查看全文]
资料图:研究:男人无名指长预示能赚大钱 Looking at a mans fingers instead of his wallet can let you know whether he is rich, a new study suggests. 一项最新研究表明,判断男人有钱与否,无需看他的钱包,看 [查看全文]
I love to eat, so I love theThanksgiving Day. 我爱吃,所以我爱感恩节。 杀火鸡来庆贺 Edward Winslow's accountdetails that they went out and killed five deer and mentions thatour governor sent four men on fowling and that th [查看全文]
很多年前听过一首歌《没有情人的情人节》,孟庭苇恬静、忧伤的嗓音倾尽了单身的悲戚和落寞。十余年滑过,忽然发现,身边的单身贵族似乎有增无减,而且,单身不再是伤感的代名 [查看全文]
资料图:世界最丑的女人 Anne Woods, 62, was accepted into the Guinness World Record after winning the title of world's ugliest woman in a contest of her hometown Cambria,UK 27 times. 62岁的安妮伍兹在她的故乡英国坎布里 [查看全文]
资料图:引领时尚的打底裤jeggings Jeggings are leggings which are styled to look like tight denim jeans, it is the blending of the word jeans with the word leggings. The 'j' not only refers to the appearance of denim, but also to t [查看全文]
Today's fashion designers change styles much too fast, partly due to twice-yearly collections, making it harder to create couture that lasts for years, designer Pierre Cardin said on Tuesday. 服装设计师皮尔卡丹周二说,现在的服 [查看全文]
资料图:将香精撒到自己的一日三餐上 The latest scientific way to becoming slim is to sprinkle some crystals on your daily meals ... then sit back and watch the flab disappear. 最新的科学减肥方法已经出炉,那就是将 [查看全文]
资料图:微量电击大脑竟让你变数学达人 A zap of electricity to the brain can make you a bright spark at maths. But shock the wrong spot and you could be as bad with numbers as a six-year-old, according to a new study. 电击大脑 [查看全文]