资料图温斯莱特同助理导演吉姆塞普莱顿的婚姻破裂 You're in the job you always wanted and you're doing well, even making more money than your husband. 你有一份自己一直想要的工作,而且你做的很好,甚至 [查看全文]
资料图学校路面画3D女孩 吓唬司机减速慢行 Aschool in Canada is using a bizarre 3D optical illusion of a young girl chasing after a ball on the road to make drives slow down. 加拿大一所学校用奇特的3D光学技术制成 [查看全文]
资料图 日本男星伊藤隆大自杀身亡 Suicides and depression cases in Japan last year cost the country 2.7 trillion yen (about $32.4 billion) when taking into account lost income and compensation claims, a government study showed [查看全文]
资料图用跳舞讨好女人?不要甩胳膊太多 Dazzling a woman on the dance floor is a tricky challenge for a chap. Now science has come to the rescue, with a move-by-move analysis of what makes a man a good dancer. 在舞池里用花 [查看全文]
资料图调查:国家越落后 国民越爱信教 A newly released study from the Gallup organization, based on surveys in 114 countries in 2009, shows globally 84 percent of people say religion is an important part of their daily lives. B [查看全文]
资料图比利时全国除猫 对猫进行阉割手术 The Belgian government has come up with a radical way to deal with the burgeoning cat population to sterilise all but a select few of the animals within five years. 比利时政府目前 [查看全文]
资料图英国百只毛毛虫排队过马引路人惊叹 136 caterpillars made a straight single line 17 feets (5.2 meters)in length and wriggled top-to-toe across the road. 136只毛毛虫排成笔直的长17英尺(5.2米)的整齐队 [查看全文]
资料图这些壮观美丽的图像并不是科幻电影《阿凡达》中的删节片段 No, these aren't deleted scenes from sci-fi epic Avatar - these spectacular images show mesmerising phosphorescent patterns swirling through a forest [查看全文]
资料图印度灰猫鼬野外激战世上最毒眼镜蛇 A set of unbelievable pictures were taken in southern India: a King cobra and a grey mongoose clashed in classic battle in the wild. 近日摄影师在印度南部拍摄到了一组不 [查看全文]
资料图足不出户就赚到了六位数的高薪 Some of YouTubes biggest stars are now so popular they are bringing in six-figure salaries from their own bedroom. 视频分享网站YOUTUBE上的一些大明星现在很受欢迎,而且足 [查看全文]