资料图 研究:文化背景决定白领工作理念 A new article in a special section on Culture and Psychology in Perspectives on Psychological Science, a journal of the Associationfor Psychological Science, explains that people in diff [查看全文]
资料图 意大利救生犬随时待命 They leap from helicopters or speeding boats, bringing aid to swimmers who get into trouble off Italy's popular beaches. 它们从直升飞机或快艇上一跃而下,拯救落水的游客这就是意 [查看全文]
资料图 人们应该提前8周订机票 It's the age-old dilemma faced by all holidaymakers: should you book your airline ticket early before the price soars or wait until the last minute when you might be able to find a bargain? 对于出 [查看全文]
资料图 土豆超级食物 Potatoes can be made healthier simply by zapping them with ultrasound or electricity, said scientists from Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary medicine in Japan. 近来,日本带广畜产大学的科 [查看全文]
资料图 丑八怪相亲网站 The world's first dating site for ugly people has been launched in the UK . 世界上首个专为丑八怪而设的相亲网站在英国成立。 TheUglyBugBall.co.uk specifically excludes anyone who is overt [查看全文]
资料图 联合国秘书长潘基文 On World HumanitarianDay, we renewour commitment to life-saving relief efforts -- and remember those who died while serving this noble cause. 值此世界人道主义日之际,我们重申对拯救生命 [查看全文]
资料图 做梦竟能增强记忆力 People who enjoy a dream-filled sleep are significantly better at recalling information and making links between facts when they wake, scientists found. 科学家发现,那些睡觉时梦境连连的人 [查看全文]
资料图 穷渔夫迎娶富豪千金 The last time Guy Barnett was bobbing around Dartmouth harbor it was aboard a leaky 80-year-old trawler as he attempted to scrape a living taking tourists mackerel fishing, but after marrying the daught [查看全文]
资料图 FinePix REAL 3D W3将在9月初上市销售 Fuji is to launch its latest model of 3D digital camera FinePix REAL 3D W3 in September. 日本富士公司最新型的3D数码相机FinePix REAL 3D W3将在9月初上市销售。 1#e [查看全文]
资料图 英国发布2012伦敦奥运会礼节指南 Hold off from hugging an Indian, don't be alarmed if the French are rude and never mistake a Canadian for an American. 遇见印度人别去抱他;遇到粗鲁的法国人别慌;别把 [查看全文]