上班时上Twitter或Facebook网被撞见?这会让你成为一个更优秀的员工。澳大利亚一项研究表明,上班时上网娱乐能够提高工作效率。研究显示,上班时因个人原因上网的人的工作效率比不 [查看全文]
资料图:餐桌文化难道当代减肥达人 China went from famine to fat in a few short decades, until it reached that true pinnacle of economic prosperity: it is on a diet. 在短短几十年里,中国人经历了从饥饿到肥胖的 [查看全文]
BrewDog, a Scottish brewery famous for its stronger beer in UK , has declared that a new ale has been brewed in the price of £500 ($774) per bottle whose bottles have been used by bodies of dead of animals. 以酿制烈性啤酒闻名的英 [查看全文]
The fashion for having children later in life could lead to women becoming more fertile in their 40s and beyond, scientists have suggested. 科学家指出,现在的晚育趋势将让未来女性40岁以后的生育能力增强。 As many [查看全文]
In the quest for youthful beauty, no treatment is too outlandish. From the use of wild ingredients like bird poo and human placenta to plastic surgery for the nether regions, look back at some of the craziest lengths1 people went to for bea [查看全文]
I never pay attention to fashion and brands. I wear what I feel is comfortable and convenient. Decades ago, my 10-year-old Italian nephew asked me for jeans from Canada when I visited. 我从不关心时尚与名牌。我只穿感觉舒适的 [查看全文]
Musical tastes and personality type are closely related, according to a study of more than 36,000 people from around the world. 一项针对全世界三万六千多人的调查显示,人的音乐品味与个性紧密相联。 Researchers [查看全文]
Musical tastes and personality type are closely related, according to a study of more than 36,000 people from around the world. 一项针对全世界三万六千多人的调查显示,人的音乐品味与个性紧密相联。 Researchers [查看全文]
Musical tastes and personality type are closely related, according to a study of more than 36,000 people from around the world. 一项针对全世界三万六千多人的调查显示,人的音乐品味与个性紧密相联。 Researchers [查看全文]
Musical tastes and personality type are closely related, according to a study of more than 36,000 people from around the world. 一项针对全世界三万六千多人的调查显示,人的音乐品味与个性紧密相联。 Researchers [查看全文]