衣架茶包 If the Hanger Tea were to be submitted as an entry to tea-packaging-awards (if such a thing existed), I say it would win hands d... [查看全文]
最近中小学生开始放寒假,于是电影院再次热闹了起来。除了火爆了好一阵子的《阿凡达》之外,深受小朋友和年轻男女追捧的本土动画《喜羊羊与... [查看全文]
Top tips to find love in 2010! 2010,把握真爱! DID you find love in the long hazy days of summer 2008? Then very soon, it could be crun... [查看全文]
穿成这样,嘎嘎可以你不行 穿成这样?嘎嘎可以,你不行。 First dates are always nerve-wracking -- that's a given. So many questions! Where will... [查看全文]
世界上最为通行的求婚方式,就是送上玫瑰花和求婚大钻戒了。但是现在有越来越多的人打破这样的常规做法。自然,如果每个人都墨守成规,那我们的生活中还能有什么惊喜呢? 人... [查看全文]
1、Ashley 意思是"来自木岑树林的人"。Ashley这个名字给人的印象是,一个非常美丽的医生或律师等高级职业妇女,品味很高,道德标准也很高,娇羞但很友善。 2、Jessica... [查看全文]
漂亮女孩最爱的口头语 1、Yoba! 对啊。 Yoba 就是 Yes 的意思,比如: "Do you like to go swimming with us?" 我就可以回常,"Yoba!" 但是这不是正... [查看全文]
Getting a Date 约会 Chocolates Chocolates Chocolates are a great noncommittal gift. Everybody loves a sweet treat, and the chocolates h... [查看全文]
The private equity unit of Goldman Sachs has emerged as a leading contende... [查看全文]