春天到了,夏天还会远吗?看着商场里琳琅满目的衣服,相信不少MM都暗下了减肥的决心。近期,美研究人员发现,睡眠时间关乎腹围,睡眠过少或过多,都会导致腹部脂肪(... [查看全文]
Britons are allowing their manners to slip as chivalry becomes a dying art, researchers claim. 日前一项调查称,随着骑士精神逐渐... [查看全文]
When it comes to your skin, there is an extremely important fact that you must keep in mind: Your skin is the largest organ of your body.... [查看全文]
Chile earthquake: Shock effect on Earth's axis The earthquake that struck Chile on Saturday may have shifted the Earth's axis and created shor... [查看全文]
编者点评:本文选自美国作家Jim Willis的畅销书《Pieces OfMy Heart-----Writings Inspired by Animals and Nature》,以自述的形式讲述了一只家犬对昔日主人的真情告... [查看全文]
公务员的金饭碗人人欣羡 Late into the night, students diligently rehearse exam questions at dozens of schools in downtown Brasilia that offer... [查看全文]
在西方人的眼中,世界十大古都是哪些城市呢?报道称,国外评选出的这十座城市中,有的可能已经位于废墟之下,但在当年辉煌之时,这些名城的确在世界上占着举足轻重的... [查看全文]
* Americans prefer informal: In general, Americans prefer informal greetings and using first names or nicknames when speaking with col... [查看全文]
The body's internal clock helps to regulate a water-storing hormone so that nightly dehydration or trips to the toilet are not the norm, res... [查看全文]
Little Alice Baxter is three years older than her baby brother and sisters - but incredibly they are quadruplets. 照片中,可爱的... [查看全文]