编者点评:近日,一名“潮人”乞丐红遍网络,有网友为他取名“犀利哥”,更有好事者称他为“究极华丽第一极品路人帅哥”。他的图片被大量转载,甚至红到台湾和日本的综艺节目上... [查看全文]
编者点评:自从进入农历虎年后,虎纹的时尚潮流势不可挡,各路明星也穿上了老虎斑纹,盼着红红火火的一年。 从左至右:演员伊娃·朗格丽亚、塔库恩时装品牌发布会、名模阿格妮... [查看全文]
1.Life is a profound book. Other's notes cannot replace your own understanding. May you find and create something new in it. 生活... [查看全文]
Men enjoy half an hour more of leisure time each day than women, a report claims. 日前发布的一项报告称,男性每天的休闲时间比女性多半... [查看全文]
Germany and France are planning to launch a sweeping new initiative to rei... [查看全文]
The world because of had the woman, but appears particularly beautiful! Have you ever wondered what it takes to be cool? 世界因为有了... [查看全文]
人们吃完饭后会经常有消化不良的情况,一般我们碰到这种问题时,都会吃些山楂片或吃片胃药。可你听说过土豆汁也能帮助解决消化不良么? Health stories from ... [查看全文]
2010开年以来,全球各地大地震频发:先有海地和智利,跟着我国台湾高雄、以及最近土耳其也发生了6级以上的大地震。让人不禁猜测电影2012中的场景是不是真的临近了?好在... [查看全文]
1.As a child, the little boy very poor family, food, rice is often not enough to eat, his mother took the bowl of rice to the children to eat. Said the mother, children, eat fast, I hungry! - Scatter his mothers first lie 儿时,小男孩家很穷,吃饭时,饭常常不够吃,母亲就把自己碗里的饭分给 [查看全文]
“小金人” At ?61,000, it is the most expensive goody-bag in Oscars history. 61000英镑(相当于人民币62万元),这是奥斯卡历史上最贵的安慰奖... [查看全文]