从众心理在人群中非常普遍。我们往往在不自觉中落入了与他人统一步调的行为。那么,这是人之常情还是别有它因? 下面的几点是从众心理背后的奥秘。 Group size 人群大小 One... [查看全文]
It really does pay to be a doctor, with an international survey showing the medical profession is the most trusted, among the most admired... [查看全文]
编辑点评:沙尘暴也算是北方的常客了吧,几乎年年都来拜访一次,每次都提醒我们,环境已经恶化到不容忽视的地步,如果不想以后都要戴防毒面具出门,那就得赶紧行动! The du... [查看全文]
1,Reduce the time for outdoor activities. 减少户外活动时间。 2,If you travel,try to avoid riding a bicycle. 如果出行尽量避免骑自行车。 3,Note to... [查看全文]
编辑点评:21世纪的生活是和工作紧密结合在一起的。人们在忙碌的同时,却失去了原来的快乐感。怎样找回失落的快乐,让我们看看下面的这些建议吧。 further and do more. ... [查看全文]
Getting a bit more calcium in your diet could help you live longer, new research suggests. 一项最新研究表明,在你的日常饮食中多补充些... [查看全文]
Many Western women do not wear make-up or simply use a quick application of mascara and lip gloss. Why? 很多西方女性不用化妆品或者只是快速地涂上... [查看全文]
1.Soap is Bad for Your Skin. 香皂对皮肤有害。 Traditionally, soap was a mix of animal fats and fruit or vegetable oils. This combinati... [查看全文]
Your mother may have been right when she told you to sit up straight: New research suggests that good posture could make you feel... [查看全文]
家长常用的惩罚方式 My print column this week examines three recent studies tying spanking of children to their impaired cognitive development.... [查看全文]