1. Better writing: guide readers through what you write写作提高:通过你所写的内容来引导读者Your task is to help reade... [查看全文]
这些年来,我在各种网络论坛上读到了很多评论、短文、段落等。在这段时间,我注意到了一些几乎所有英语学习者,有时候甚至是英语母语者都会... [查看全文]
听力课堂是一家免费的在线英语学习网站,在此为您整理了一些家长谈:幼儿英语怎么学的资料,希望对您的英语学习有所帮助。 [查看全文]
相信不少同学在学习英语的过程中会不断地遇到瓶颈,不知道如何才能提高自己的英语水平,小编整理了14条建议送给你们~难度指数:★时间要求... [查看全文]
Most English learning boils down to the question of how to speak English. There are other goals as well, but l... [查看全文]
I can’t stop shivering. Lucy had to speak louder than normal so Gary could hear her over the wind’s... [查看全文]
Do you have a special homework space? Do you sit at a desk to do your math problems, or do you balance your... [查看全文]
There is a right way to read a book for pleasure, and a right way to read a book for learning. You can read... [查看全文]
英文中 to quit one’s job 是辞职比较口语化的表达方式,而 to resign是比较正规的表达方式。递交 辞职信则为to tender... [查看全文]