阅读是学习英语重要的一部分,但许多学生都觉得阅读很难。本次整理的一些建议可以是你通过使用在母语中用到的技巧来帮助你提高阅读。Tip 1... [查看全文]
你是否对这样的场景感到很熟悉?你的英语进展顺利,熟悉了语法,阅读也没问题,也能够和别人流利地交流,但是听力却仍然不行!首先,你要知道... [查看全文]
Knowing a second language can make you more employable and a better traveler, not to mention provide you with a... [查看全文]
1. Choose an interesting movie.This probably sounds obvious, but if you choose a boring movie, you’ll be bo... [查看全文]
The challenge is meant to improve all areas of learning a language, like grammar, reading, writing, and listening... [查看全文]
语言学习者往往忽视培养好的发音,把注意力集中在语法和词汇上 — 但是练习你的口音也很重要。这里有一些实用的小妙招来帮助你摆脱你那老... [查看全文]
1. Overcome Your Fear克服恐惧Learning English is very similar to learning anything else like guitar, juggling, bask... [查看全文]
People are often uncertain about whether or not to use full stops in abbreviations. Here are some guidelines:... [查看全文]
怎样提高自己的英语听力能力这是很多学生都关注的问题,提高自己的英语听力能力的方法有很多种,但是最有效最直接最简单的方法还是下面... [查看全文]
明喻(simile)和暗喻(metaphor)都可以通过很强的画面感来传达思想。首先,我们分别看一看明喻和暗喻的例子。 Her mind was like ... [查看全文]