One of the most important questions that every student asks is how to improve your English. There are probably ... [查看全文]
英语口语学习对于绝大多数中国学生而言,都是老大难。英语学了十几年,见到老外,不是哑口无言,就是支支吾吾憋出三句半。看到那些操着... [查看全文]
在很多人眼里 ,英语难,和我以前的认为一样。其实英语是最好学的一个语言,很有规则。远比我们的母语中文好学。多数不要一年,就能够... [查看全文]
学习英语毕竟不是轻松的事情,需要耗费大量的精力和时间。英语首先一门知识,知识的掌握离不开记忆,同时英语又是一种技能,听说读写的能力就是一种技能,而 [查看全文]
English learners can improve their pronunciation skills with training exercises used by singers. A smartphone with... [查看全文]
经常会有小伙伴抱怨,英文字典好复杂,每次用都要花好多时间。今天来给大家介绍一下,英语字典要怎么查!Besides helping with spelling... [查看全文]
If you have read a lot in English, you will probably have noticed that there are many different variations of ... [查看全文]
在主语-谓语-补语的结构中,不定式结构可以与形容词搭配,以此来构成形容词词组,作主语补语。但由于形容词类别的不同,形容词词组作主... [查看全文]
When expressing large numbers (more than one hundred) read in groups of hundreds. The order is as follows: billi... [查看全文]
大家在阅读英文原著,或者跟外国人交流的时候,是不是时常有这样的困扰:这个词我没听说过,这是什么意思?在牛津词典里也查不到,他/她到底... [查看全文]