在美国,各种大大小小的节日多如牛毛,名称五花八门,这里我要向大家介绍的是Jambalaya Festival (什锦饭节)。 Jambalaya恐怕是南... [查看全文]
What should I absolutely not do when visiting your country? [查看全文]
Do they really have bears as pets in Russia? [查看全文]
Chinese people are, quite rightly, proud of their food. [查看全文]
咦,这就怪了,难道“周日”和“周末”不是一码事不成? [查看全文]
What do foreigners find most annoying about Americans?外国人最烦美国人哪一点?As an Australian who has travelled quite... [查看全文]
美国家庭中的电话机一般都有留言提示功能,也就是当外人打入电话时,如果主人不在家,电话没人接,电话机会自动播送一段提示,内容通常是:... [查看全文]
Fourth Of July Lies 关于美国的14个谣言 America is the land of the free, home of the brave... the white p... [查看全文]
If your mother and your wife fell into a river at the same time, whom would you save first and why?妈妈和老婆... [查看全文]
我们中国人的传统节日一般是按照阴历来过节的,阴历用英语怎么说呢?除了阴历还有什么历法呢? 全世界现在比较通用的是公历。英文叫做... [查看全文]