There’s a culture of walking and texting on the Utah Valley University campus, according to conversations wi... [查看全文]
戛纳电影节并不是一个完全开放的活动,只有受邀请的电影人才能参加,是invitation-only competition。电影节评审委员会主要关注故事影... [查看全文]
10. Those little ice brooms they carry around for curling.扫把一样的冰壶毛刷冰壶(Curling)运动在加拿大非常流行。过去3届冬... [查看全文]
Many people have become accustomed to saying "bless you" or "gesundheit" when someone sneezes. No one says anythi... [查看全文]
第一档:Companion of Honour (荣誉勋爵)。 全世界只有65人,授予对国家有重要意义并做出突出贡献的人,获得者可在名字后面加CH后缀。... [查看全文]
Obtaining or renewing a passport can be a complicated process, but there are few things more enjoyable than flic... [查看全文]
A model strutting down the catwalk isn't an unusual sight at a fashion show - but the weird and wonderful ... [查看全文]
社交从酒吧开始 大多数中国人都会觉得,英国人虽然有礼貌,却很冷淡。的确,英国人不喜欢过于亲热,觉得这样肤浅而且不真诚。太多的... [查看全文]
几乎可以说,美剧涵盖了大部分已知和未知世界。作为最广阔世界的描述者,美剧在人物、技巧、美学、价值观和生活方式上都在做最大的探索... [查看全文]