In the fairytale, Cinderella lives happily ever after with her beloved prince; in reality however, this is not a... [查看全文]
【导读】Tens of thousands of people have splatted each other with 120 tons of tomatoes during the annual 'Tom... [查看全文]
我们都知道每个国家都有各自的禁忌,所以掌握各个国家的忌讳,有助于人际关系的交往。这样可以避免很多误解和尴尬。和美国人聊天的一些小忌... [查看全文]
Friend asks me Why Chinese don’t go Dutch? So I want to regard this question as the topic and write an ... [查看全文]
The tradition of an Olympic Trucebegan in ancient times to allow safe passage for athletes travelling to the Gam... [查看全文]
1. Speech marks1、引号行了,别说了2. Extending palm outwards to mean "talk to the hand"2、将手掌向外伸开,表示行了,别... [查看全文]
导读:为纪念6月17日的父亲节,听力课堂在这里推荐父亲节的12个电影,讲述了十 二位父亲。趁着星期天,你可以和父亲(或儿子)一起用DVD,或... [查看全文]
中文中有那么多好听的花儿名字,英文的对应名称又是怎样的呢?是不是都是些又长又拗口的拉丁文学名?其实有很多花儿的英文名称都很美哦,一起... [查看全文]