Q1.What's the first custom in the international society? 被国际社会公认的第一礼俗是什么? A:Lady first. 女士优先。 Q2.What is the Three A principle in social communications? 社交中的三A原则指的是什么? A: Accept, Appr [查看全文]
英国女王伊丽莎白二世的丈夫菲利普亲王10日迎来90岁生日。与英国女王结婚64年来,菲利普亲王过人的精力、健硕的身体以及强烈的公众责任感都伴随他走过无数正式场合。不过他最引人注目的 [查看全文]
Three Men and a Baby 《三个奶爸一个娃》:三位奶爸 When bachelors Peter (the architect), Michael (the artist) and Jack (the actor) find a baby girl that was left at their front door, things get a little wacky. Jack is surprised (to say the least) when he finds out the c [查看全文]
Clank your perseverance and hard bone is an example I will never, I learned from there to exert your strength, through frustration, to success, Dad, you are my role model, I love you! 您的坚忍不拔和铮铮硬骨是我永远的榜样,我从您那 [查看全文]
When is Father's Day? Need to know the exact date of Fathers Day this year? Here's a chart that shows what day Father's Day is celebrated from 2011 - 2015. In the USA, UK and Canada - Fathers' Day is celebrated on the 3rd Sunday in June since being ma [查看全文]
Nobel Literature Prize / Nobel Prize in literature 诺贝尔文学奖 The Nobel Prize in literature has been awarded annually to an author from any country who has, in the words from the will of Alfred Nobel, produced in the field of literature the most outstanding w [查看全文]
The word hutong (胡同) means water well(水井) in Mongolian. The Mongolians keep the nomadic tradition of settling down around springs or wells. A hutong is the passage formed by lines of siheyuan (四合院, four-side enclosed courtyards). Strictly, hutong alleys a [查看全文]
We recently went to a friends house for dinner. They were celebrating their 10 year wedding anniversary, although they lived together for a further 5 years. 我和我的中国老婆最近去一位朋友家吃晚餐,我的这两位朋友在庆祝他们的十周年结婚纪念日,尽管他们已经在一起十五年了。 Invited that evening were another 3 coupl [查看全文]
As Mark Twain observed, a German joke is no laughing matter. Sadly for the nation that brought us everything from Beethoven to lederhosen, it seems that everyone agrees. Germany has been voted the least funny country in the world in an international p [查看全文]
Over the years we have had our differences, but I always love you。 这些年来,虽然我们常有意见不合的地方,但我一直敬爱着您。 Thanks for holding my hand when I needed it。 谢谢您在我需要的时候伸出援助之手。 [查看全文]