The Easter bunny has arrived, chocolate Easter eggs are in the shops, the daffodils are out, and the weather is getting better! Easter is a great time of year, but what are its origins? Originally Easter was called Pascha after the Hebrew w [查看全文]
Look at these statues! They are not common statues. Their height is 4 metres to 10 metres. The tallest one is over 20 metres tall! And their weight is 10 tons to 100 tons. There are about 600 statues here. These statues are on Easter Island [查看全文]
Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to t [查看全文]
小编语:十二世纪时,人们在复活节节庆中加入鸡蛋,此蛋多涂以红色,也有绘成彩色。故一般称之为复活节彩蛋(easter egg,一般也称为复活蛋)。蛋的原始象征意义是为春天新生命的 [查看全文]
The 2011 Yellow Emperor (Huangdi) worshipping ceremony, themed as homology with the roots and ancestors in peace and harmony, will be held on April 5 in Xinzheng, hometown of Yellow Emperor in Henan Province. The ceremony begins at 9:50 am. [查看全文]
复活节(Easter Sunday)在每年春分月圆之后第一个星期日,是信奉基督教的宗教纪念日,目的是为了纪念耶稣基督于公元30到33年之间被钉死在十字架之后第三天复活的日子,具有重生与希望 [查看全文]
小编语:晚唐著名诗人杜牧有一首脍炙人口的绝句《清明》,诗云:清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有,牧童谣指杏花村。杜牧绝对想不到,在几个世纪之后,会有许 [查看全文]
清 明 节(Tomb-Sweeping Day) Qing Ming Jie(All Souls' Day) Qing Ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed. More important, it is a period to honour and to pay respect to one's deceased ancestors and family member [查看全文]
Sweet Green Rice Ball 青团 The sweet green rice ball is a Qingming Festival (Tomb Sweeping Day) food popular in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces. It is also a must-have offering at ancestralrituals in the south of the Yangtze River. Like gl [查看全文]
小编语:我们都知道愚人节是一个国际性的恶作剧节日,最早记录是在1539年,佛兰德手稿中出现。除此之外,我们别无所知。对于愚人节起源的说法比比皆是,每个国家都想成为这个整 [查看全文]