Children's Day is celebrated in many parts of the world. It is a day to highlight the dignity of children and their need for love, care, and respect, and instill in the children a sense of independence and national pride. It is also a day to honor adults [查看全文]
第一种说法: The International Children's Day had its origin in Turkey in 1920 (April 23, 1920) and later in the World Conference in Geneva, Switzerland,which 54 representatives from different countries gathered together to convene the first Wor [查看全文]
The world there is a tremendous power, that is, the power of motherly love. 母爱是世间最伟大的爱。 Mum feed my soul and body with her love. Her milk is the source of my thinking. 您用母爱哺育了我的魂魄和躯体,您的乳汁是我思维的源泉。 Maternal love has great power: Can people be stronger more [查看全文]
小编语:美国总统奥巴马激动地宣布了恐怖组织头目本拉登被击毙的消息。关于这个多年来神秘的传奇恐怖分子,外界对他的猜测不断,甚至他阿拉伯名字的译名也不断有争议、有各种叫法,今天就让小编带你一起来一探究竟。 There is no universally accepted standard in the West for transliterating Arabic words and names into English, so bin Laden's name is spelled in many diff [查看全文]
1957: Saudi-born multimillionaire Bin Laden was born in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, in 1957. He is the 17th child of a Saudi construction tycoon. 本拉登于1957年出生在沙特阿拉伯吉达,他是当地一个建筑大亨的第17个孩子。 1988: Leader of Al-Qaida military base camp Bin Laden worked for his fathers [查看全文]
In the early morning of May 1, 2011 local time, a team of 40 Navy SEALs successfully completed an operation to kill Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan. President Barack Obama later confirmed the death of Bin Laden, but did not directly mention the in [查看全文]
小编语:香荷包是中国民间工艺品之一,用来装小物品,也可作装饰之用,不仅样式多样,而且有着丰富的民俗内涵。端午节(中国农历五月初五)佩戴香荷包有辟邪免灾之说,香荷包内填充有 [查看全文]
小编语:据英国王室消息人士透露,威廉一直很不喜欢戴首饰,甚至连印章戒指(由家族传袭、可用作印章的戒指)都没有。他已经跟凯特讨论过典礼结束后不戴婚戒一事,对方并没有任何不悦。凯特支持这个决定,这只是个人的偏好而已,这名消息人士强调。 St James's Palace has announced that while Miss Middleton will wear a wedding ring, Prince William has chosen not to. Rings are typically e [查看全文]
1. Princess Grace of Monaco 摩纳哥王妃格蕾斯 副标题 2. Queen Rania of Jordan 约旦王后拉尼娅 副标题 3. Princess in waiting, Kate Middleton 剑桥公爵夫人凯特米德尔顿 副标题 4. Diana, Princess of Wales 威尔士王妃戴安娜 副标题 5. Princess Charlotte of Monaco 摩纳哥公主夏洛特卡西拉奇 副标题 6. Princess Gayatri Devi 印度末代王妃 [查看全文]
Prince William and Kate Middleton, April 29, 2011 2011年4月29日,威廉王子和凯特米德尔顿 Prince William and Kate Middleton met during their freshmen year at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland and embarked on an eight-year courtship that earned Kate the nickname Wa [查看全文]