母鸡产下鸡蛋 形如香蕉 On June 23, a peasant’s hen laid a seriouly misshapen egg which has taken on a similar shape to a banana ... [查看全文]
“二战”经典之吻女主角辞世 A nurse famously photographed being kissed by an American sailor in New York's Times Square in 1945 to celebrate... [查看全文]
A 17-year-old boy, caught sending text messages in class, was recently sent to the vice principal's office at Millwood High School in Halifax... [查看全文]
Beijing If your visions of Beijing are centred around pods of Maoist revolutionaries in buttoned-down tunics performing t’ai... [查看全文]
谁是中国古代最美的女人?约定俗成的答案是:西施、王昭君、貂蝉、杨贵妃,赫赫有名的四大美女。可是,上下五千年,漫漫历史长河,难道美人如此稀缺?当然不是。那么在姹紫嫣... [查看全文]
When children can’t visit their fathers or take them out to dinner, they send a greeting card. Traditionally, fathers prefer greeting ca... [查看全文]
A worker sweeps next to a castle made from lemons and oranges during the lemon festival in Menton, southern France, February 12, 2009. Some... [查看全文]
端午临近,教你包粽子 相关内容: 端午节香荷包的来历 端午节的前世今生 端午节习俗 恶补与端午节有关的知识 端午临近,教你包粽子 端午节祝福短信大全 端午节奉献:英文版白蛇传 端午节 [查看全文]
1950s-1970s: Simple entertainment 上世纪50-70年代:娱乐匮乏 During this period, leisure life was more spartan than today. Children’s ga... [查看全文]
说起送给母亲的花,大家都会很快想起康乃馨。而送给父亲应该选择哪一种呢?恐怕这就把你难倒了吧!在父亲节临近之际,让我们来一起了解一种最适合送给父亲的花! Fl... [查看全文]