Gasparilla Island/加斯帕里拉岛Surfers wait for the perfect wave at Gasparilla Island State Park, a refuge at the s... [查看全文]
1 Alabama阿拉巴马州You may not have an ice cream cone in your back pocket at any time.任何时候都禁止将冰激凌筒放在... [查看全文]
学英语不仅是学习语言,也是学习文化。有些英语词汇因特定的历史背景有更丰富的文化内涵。比如,纽约为什么叫大苹果城?apple一词不仅指水果... [查看全文]
各国间的文化差异巨大,我们自个儿行得通的礼仪到了西方就是另一回事啦!今天我们就来通过三个场景,了解一下中外文化间的一些不同吧~~第一... [查看全文]
It has sold more than 20 million copies since it was written two centuries ago and has had generations of scho... [查看全文]
学英语的人多少都知道一些莎士比亚的名句,各类媒介也会传播不少据说出自莎翁的名言。可是,有些所谓的莎翁名言根本不是他说的。以下这12句... [查看全文]
A fistful of dollars第一把美金The dollar is one of the most common currencies in the world used by the US, Aust... [查看全文]
ZeuxisZeuxis was a Greek painter who, according to legend was awesome at painting. Unfortunately none of his work... [查看全文]
In royal families, the crown goes to the oldest child. That's theheir. The "spare heir" is the next child w... [查看全文]
On April 1, 1957 the British news show Panorama broadcast a three-minute segment about a bumper spaghetti harvest... [查看全文]