A photograph showing the inside of the Queen’s private sitting room at Windsor Castle recently Tweeted by B... [查看全文]
America is in the throes of a grey divorce revolution as marriedcouples over the age of 50 split up in unprece... [查看全文]
To most of the world,Texas is known as a big state in southernAmerica.世界上大多数人都知道德克萨斯州是位于美国南部的一... [查看全文]
Confusing accents and odd public transport habits have beenlisted among the biggest culture shocks for people movi... [查看全文]
身处异国他乡,最大的悲哀莫过于歪果仁笑得人仰马翻,你却不知所云。想跟歪果仁打成一片,光是语言能力过硬是远远不够的。不过也不必妄自菲... [查看全文]
What things can you do in the UK that you cannot in the USA?有什么事你在英国可以做,在美国却不可以做?获得827好评的答... [查看全文]
What is your favourite item from Chinese culture?中国文化里你最喜欢的东西是什么?获得221好评的答案@Garrick SaitoWhile I e... [查看全文]
It is curious that our own offenses should seem so much less heinous than the offenses of others. I suppose th... [查看全文]
The British Government has pledged £1.5 million to translate the complete works of Shakespeare into Chinese.... [查看全文]
小编导读:英国BBC最新的阶级调查出炉,如图从左到右7大阶层依次为精英群体(Elite),传统中产阶级(Established Middle)、技术型中产阶级(T... [查看全文]