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2019-03-28英国人最讨厌的10种服装 第一名没想到是它...

Summer is coming which means it's time to dust off your swimsuit and hit the pool or seaside.夏天到了,这意味... [查看全文]


全世界都知道英国人爱喝茶,如果问一个人哪些元素最能代表英国,想必除了王室、大本钟、福尔摩斯以外,就是红茶(black tea)英国人早餐要喝... [查看全文]

2019-03-27英文名千万不能乱起 否则你会被老外误会!

从开始学英语的时候,老师就会给我们取很多英文名字。年轻的时候,女生都叫Lily、Lucy,男生都叫Tom、Bob!走到哪儿都会撞名字!你身边也一定... [查看全文]


The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were joined by long-standing friends and Kate's cousin this afternoon at St... [查看全文]

2019-03-25英国文化:英国王室私下的昵称 够奇葩!(双语)

Who knew that people named Gary and Tungsten resided in exclusive abodes like Buckingham Palace and Kensington Pa... [查看全文]


现在是网络与快捷的时代,很多事情都讲究效率,所以大家有时候发微信是不是习惯用数字?例如——2333333,666666,55555,1314520……等等。... [查看全文]


Juggling the complicated protocol of the royal family is always going to be difficult. As Meghan Markle has lear... [查看全文]


Labor Day, observed on the first Monday in September every year, falls on Sept. 3, 2018.每年9月的第一个星期一是美国... [查看全文]


Do most British still keep the traditional activities such as afternoon tea?大多数英国人还保持着喝下午茶这样的传统习俗... [查看全文]

2019-03-20美国加州立法禁用“123456”等密码 因太容易被黑客攻击(双语)

Default passwords such as "admin" and "password" will be illegal for electronics firms to use in California from... [查看全文]