近日,英国女王伊丽莎白二世(Queen Elizabeth II)迎来了自己九十岁的生日。伊丽莎白女王的一举一动万众瞩目, 但她其实很少在公开场所表... [查看全文]
A school sent home multiple young girls due to the length of their skirts. Why? Administrators were concerned th... [查看全文]
African-American abolitionist and humanitarian Harriet Tubman, who led hundreds of slaves to freedom, will replace ... [查看全文]
If you're trying to learn more about your family, there's probably no better place to start looking than... [查看全文]
有句话说的好:云中谁寄锦书来,相知何必曾相见。《北京遇上西雅图2》其实它的副标题《不二情书》才是正片片名。这次女神不再是文青拜金女... [查看全文]
1. The most common letter in English is "e".1、英语里最常见的字母是e。2. The most common consonant in English is "... [查看全文]
Just 1,500 years ago, English was spoken by a smattering of Germanic tribes as they migrated from mainland Europ... [查看全文]
Teachers and parents condemned the 'hardest ever' reading test imposed on hundreds of thousands of 10 and... [查看全文]
Now there’s nude-at-table. A new restaurant in London called The Bunyadi is coming this summer. To dine the... [查看全文]
The average doctor charges for a vaginal delivery with nocomplications in the U.S. is $3,035, according to data ... [查看全文]