就像春节的重头戏是年夜饭,圣诞节的高潮当然莫过于圣诞大餐了。不过,据外媒报道,中餐正在逐渐占领人们的圣诞菜单。尤其在犹太裔美国人的... [查看全文]
为了欢度圣诞,12月21号,英国女王(Elizabeth II),早早地坐火车,前往桑德灵厄姆庄园,和家人一起过圣诞节。每一年,英国王室都会以家庭... [查看全文]
美国哪些学校学费最贵?USNews根据各校2017-2018年官方公布的学费数据列出了全美学费最贵大学TOP10。你别说,大家天天嚷嚷着贵的NYU可连前10... [查看全文]
Dads are no longer getting dumped on.奶爸们不再需要在地板上换尿布了。While men increasingly take on the role of prim... [查看全文]
英国人常给人彬彬有礼的绅士形象,那是因为他们很注重礼节。如果我们到英国去,也要入乡随俗,遵守相应的礼节,否则就算人家当面啥也不说,... [查看全文]
Every family has its own holiday traditions. Maybe they open Christmas presents after dinner. Perhaps they hang s... [查看全文]
Get off your high horse别那么趾高气扬的Ever wonder where this saying comes from?你曾经想过这一句的出处吗?In medieval t... [查看全文]
Now that the royal pair have announced that they're expecting their first child, let's start thinking abou... [查看全文]
10月31日是西洋万圣节前夕,美国的街上四处可见精彩的现场表演、戏台上演的幻觉魔术、逼真的游尸和鬼魂,及各种恐怖电影的放映。On Octobe... [查看全文]
Ice Cream's History 冰淇淋的历史The earliest reports of people enjoying flavored ice desserts come from the Rom... [查看全文]