京沪高铁:Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway 实名制:real-name system 网上订票系统:online ticket-booking system ... [查看全文]
赴台个人游:travel across the Taiwan Straits as individual tourist 自助游:self-guided tour 团队游:package tour ... [查看全文]
微笑:smile 面露喜色:beam 笑出声:laugh 欢笑:laugh heartily 苦笑:wry smile 媚笑:ingratiating smile 偷笑:tit... [查看全文]
茶 tea 沏茶:make tea 茶馆:teahouse 茶壶:teapot 茶具:tea set 茶漏:tea strainer 茶点:tea biscuit 茶盘:... [查看全文]
吃:eat 品尝:taste/sample/savour 咬:bite/gnaw 小口咬:nibble 舔:lick 吸:suck 嚼:chew/munch 嘎吱嘎吱地嚼:cru... [查看全文]
【公平的,公正的,无偏见的】 impartial; just;disinterested; fair;fair-and-square; equitable; unprejudiced; unb... [查看全文]
你是哪种微博控?What kind of Weibo-er are you? The Silent Sharer 只转不评 ; The Commenter 评论者 ; The Po... [查看全文]
confluent 汇合的 canal 运河 range 山脉 massif群山,高地 crevice 裂缝 plateau 高原 coastland 沿海岸地区... [查看全文]
avalanche 雪崩 mirage 海市蜃楼 innate 先天的,天生的 scenic 风景优美的 spectacle 奇观,景象 jungle 丛林 ... [查看全文]
location--locate 地点 North Pole 北极 South Pole 南极 Antarctic 南极的 Arctic 北极的 globe 地球,地球仪... [查看全文]