《The Snows of Kilimanjaro乞力马扎罗山雪》Ernest Hemingway; 《Snow Flower and the Secret Fan雪花和秘扇》Lisa See;... [查看全文]
嘲笑ridicule;mock;deride;poke fun at;laugh at;scoff at;jeer at;sneer at;jest at 戏弄tease;spoof;play jokes on;make... [查看全文]
clay figurine 泥人; Chinese knot 中国结; shadow puppet 皮影; Four Treasures of the Study 文房四宝; embr... [查看全文]
thumbs up 1.great 2.wonderful 3.amazing 4.awesome 5.fabulous 6.remarkable 7.fantastic 8.marvelous ... [查看全文]
期刊杂志 期刊:periodical 杂志:journal/magazine 最新一期:latest issue 过刊:back number 内部刊物:restricted pu... [查看全文]
birds 喜鹊:magpie 麻雀:sparrow 啄木鸟:woodpecker 斑鸠:turtle dove 鹈鹕:pelican 杜鹃:cuckoo 黄鹂:golden ... [查看全文]
love 爱上:have a crush on 一见钟情:fall in love at first sight 白马王子:prince charming/ knight in shinin... [查看全文]
beverages 豆浆:soybean milk 酸奶:yoghurt 奶昔:milkshake 酸梅汤:plum juice 橙汁:orange juice 椰汁:coconut... [查看全文]
道路 国道:national highway 高速路:highway/expressway 收费路:turnpike road 隧道:tunnel 公交线路:bus route ... [查看全文]
儿童玩具 天线宝宝:the Teletubbies 海绵宝宝:SpongeBob 乐高积木:lego/building blocks 智力拼图:jigsaw puzzle 遥... [查看全文]