heavy traffic:交通拥堵 heavy smoker/drinker:烟鬼/酒鬼 heavy rain/snow:大雨/大雪 heavy sleep:沉睡 heavy sky:天... [查看全文]
award/prize奖项/奖品; reward奖赏; trophy奖杯; bonus奖金; scholarship奖学金; year-end bonus年终奖; the firs... [查看全文]
North Korea launched a satellite 朝鲜发射卫星 North Korea朝鲜 Korea 韩国 Satellite 卫星 Galaxy 银河 Op... [查看全文]
the end of the world 世界末日 The end of the world donated property 世界末日捐家产 Maya 玛雅 Rumor 谣言... [查看全文]
逛北京 游古都 1.故宫The Imperial Palace/Forbidden City 2.天安门广场Tian' anmen Square 3.颐和园 The Summer... [查看全文]
ache all over 浑身疼; sore throat 喉咙疼; toothache 牙疼; chest pain 胸疼; muscle pain 肌肉疼; joint... [查看全文]
首先要来认识一个词:bromance: Describes the complicated love and affection shared by two straight males。 这个词... [查看全文]
Zeus-众神之王宙斯; Hera-天后赫拉; Poseidon-海神波塞冬; Hades-冥神哈德斯; Ares-战神阿瑞斯; Athena-智慧女神雅典娜... [查看全文]
路标guide post 停车标志 mark car stop 红绿灯 traffic light 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light 交... [查看全文]
Back to 1942 devastating毁灭性的; drought旱灾; locust蝗虫; famine-stricken遭受饥荒的; starve/famish饿死,挨饿;... [查看全文]