California orders 40 million residents to stay at home加州命令4000万居民呆在家里California Gov. Gavin Newsom issued a... [查看全文]
People With Mild Symptoms Can Spread Coronavirus, European Researchers Warn欧洲研究人员警告说,症状轻微的人会传播冠状病毒... [查看全文]
People with Type A blood are significantly more likely to catch coronavirus than those with Type O, Chinese acad... [查看全文]
Vernal equinox brings earliest spring to US in 124 years春分:124年来最早的春天Here’s one bit of good news: S... [查看全文]
There May Not Be Enough Well-Trained Workers To Clean Up Where Coronavirus Has Been可能没有足够训练有素的工人来清理冠... [查看全文]
China Reports No New Domestic Cases, But There Have Been Imported From Abroad中国国内没有报告新的病例,但有境外输入病... [查看全文]
Stimulus Cash For Strapped Workers, With Few Places To Spend It为拮据的工人提供经济刺激资金,却几乎没有地方可花The Trum... [查看全文]
COVID-19 Threatens Food Supply Chain As Farms Worry About Workers Falling Ill由于农场担心工人生病,COVID-19威胁着食品供... [查看全文]
Samsung is closing all US stores due to COVID-19三星因COVID-19关闭所有美国门店We often hear about tech stores being... [查看全文]
Australian airline Qantas to cut all international flights澳洲航空公司将取消所有国际航班Australia's biggest airline ... [查看全文]