Blood from recovered coronavirus patients could be used in a vital stop-gap treatment to help protect humanity fr... [查看全文]
Why We Are Deliberately Allowing Our Economy To Go On A Downward Spiral为什么我们要故意让我们的经济继续下滑The United... [查看全文]
U.S. hospitals are making plans for who should get priority treatment美国医院正在为谁应该优先获得治疗而制定方案As COVID... [查看全文]
NASA Suspends Work on The New Moon Mission Rocket Due to Coronavirus Outbreak由于冠状病毒爆发,NASA暂停了新月任务火箭... [查看全文]
Ohio, Louisiana, Delaware Order Residents To Stay Home俄亥俄州、路易斯安那州、特拉华州命令居民待在家里Ohio, Louisiana and... [查看全文]
Apple updates Siri to provide coronavirus advice to users苹果更新Siri,为用户提供冠状病毒建议Apple Inc. has updated it... [查看全文]
What age or physical condition increases odds of severe COVID-19什么年龄或身体状况会增加患严重COVID-19的几率People age ... [查看全文]
McDonald's to close all restaurants in the UK and Ireland amid coronavirus fears由于担心感染冠状病毒,麦当劳将关闭... [查看全文]
As many as 40 percent of all New Yorkers won’t be able to afford their rent after having been laid off ... [查看全文]
Doctors say vaping could make coronavirus worse for young people医生说电子烟会使年轻人感染冠状病毒的情况更加严重US docto... [查看全文]