US coronavirus cases reach more than 101,000 as reported deaths hit new daily high美国冠状病毒感染病例超过101,000例,... [查看全文]
With Schools Closed, Kids With Disabilities Are More Vulnerable Than Ever由于学校关闭,残疾儿童比以往任何时候都更容易受... [查看全文]
Fearing Shortages, People Are Planting More Vegetable Gardens由于担心蔬菜短缺,人们开始种植更多的蔬菜园People still strug... [查看全文]
States Are Taking Many Approaches To The Coronavirus各州正在采取多种方法来对付冠状病毒As the coronavirus has spread to... [查看全文]
Do you wear contact lenses? You should switch to glasses to stop spreading the virus你戴隐形眼镜吗?你应该换成眼镜来... [查看全文]
Apple may bring the notch and Face ID to MacBooks苹果可能会将凹槽和面部识别码带入MacBooksA new patent filed by Apple... [查看全文]
Microsoft buys Affirmed Networks to provide cloudy services for 5G network operators微软收购affirm Networks,为5G网络... [查看全文]
U.S. weekly jobless claims surge to record 3.28 million美国每周申请失业救济人数激增至创纪录的328万人The number of Ameri... [查看全文]
As life slowly returns to normal in an increasing number of Chinese cities, some students have been allowed to ... [查看全文]
Online Classes During The Coronavirus Pandemic在冠状病毒大流行期间的在线课程As colleges across the country pivot online... [查看全文]