A SpaceX Dragon capsule returned to Earth April 7, marking the end of the final mission of the original cargo ... [查看全文]
Domino’s to donate 10 million slices of pizza across US达美乐将在全美范围内捐赠1000万份披萨Mama mia, that’s... [查看全文]
U.S. Children With COVID-19 Less Likely To Be Hospitalized Than Adults患有COVID-19的美国儿童住院的可能性比成人低The Cen... [查看全文]
Boeing And Airbus Halt Production, Future Of Airplane Manufacturing Uncertain波音和空客停产,飞机制造业的未来是不确定的Tw... [查看全文]
Could Society Move Toward Normalcy Before A Coronavirus Vaccine Is Ready?在冠状病毒疫苗准备好之前,社会能走向正常吗?Pres... [查看全文]
Airline Flights Into And Out Of New York City Cut Drastically Because Of Coronavirus由于冠状病毒,进出纽约市的航班大... [查看全文]
Airbnb Raises $1 Billion to Stockpile Cash in PandemicAirbnb筹集10亿美元储备资金应对疫情Airbnb said on Monday that it... [查看全文]
Remains of 100M year-old flying pterosaur with 6-inch beak unearthed by scientists科学家发掘出1亿年前长有6英寸喙的翼龙... [查看全文]
据英国广播公司报道,唐宁街发言人确认,英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊于当地时间4月5日晚入院进行检测。他在过去十天内仍有新冠肺炎的持续症状,... [查看全文]
Coronavirus Kept People Out Of Beijing's Parks. Now They're Coming Back冠状病毒让人们禁入北京的公园。现在他们又... [查看全文]