Counties Say They Need More Federal Money To Stay Solvent Amid Coronavirus Shutdowns各县表示,他们需要更多的联邦资金保... [查看全文]
State health leaders predict no quick end to social distancing州卫生官员预计,这种社会距离不会很快结束States and cities... [查看全文]
NY Gov. Cuomo Orders Public Mask Use To Curb COVID-19 Spread纽约州州长科莫下令公众戴口罩来遏制COVID-19的传播Gov. Andrew... [查看全文]
If a vaccine is not developed soon, America's social distancing may last until 2022如果疫苗不能尽快研制,美国的社... [查看全文]
Hoping To Save The Postal Service, People Rush To Buy Stamps为了拯救邮政服务,人们纷纷去买邮票Thousands have taken to... [查看全文]
New York City's COVID-19 Death Toll Soars Past 10.000纽约市的COVID-19死亡人数猛增超过10000人New York City has dras... [查看全文]
Social distancing may be needed, on and off, until 2022: Harvard study哈佛研究表明,2022年之前,可能需要继续保持社交距... [查看全文]
Trump Announces a Halt to US Funding For The World Health Organisation特朗普宣布暂停美国对世界卫生组织的资助President ... [查看全文]
Microsoft Extends the Life of Old Windows 10 Versions微软延长了旧版Windows 10的寿命Microsoft has recently announced t... [查看全文]
Fires near Chornobyl nuclear plant have been put out, Ukraine officials say乌克兰官员表示,切尔诺贝利核电站附近的大火已... [查看全文]