Fires in Chernobyl Exclusion Zone Are Still Getting Closer to The Reactor切尔诺贝利禁区内的火灾仍在向反应堆靠近Hundreds... [查看全文]
China approves two experimental Covid-19 vaccines for clinical trials中国批准了两种用于临床试验的实验性Covid-19疫苗China ... [查看全文]
Google introduces braille keyboard for Android谷歌为Android引入了盲文键盘Google released a built-in virtual Braille key... [查看全文]
New eBay CEO to come from Walmart来自沃尔玛的新任 eBay CEOStruggling online retail giant eBay named a new top exe... [查看全文]
With People Stuck At Home, Jigsaw Puzzle Sales Soar由于人们被困在家里,拼图玩具的销量飙升With Americans across the cou... [查看全文]
The doctor with COVID-19 is getting better这名患COVID-19 的医生病情已经好转了In mid-March, he was a cautionary tale ... [查看全文]
13-Apr-20202020年4月13日U.S. officials hopeful about reopening in May美国官员希望在5月份解除出行限制The Trump administrati... [查看全文]
NASA celebrates 50th anniversary of Apollo 13, a mission known as a successful failure美国宇航局庆祝阿波罗13号50周年... [查看全文]
Some coronavirus sufferers have reported another three mild symptoms in addition to those well documented.一些冠状病... [查看全文]
Singapore asks teachers to stop using ZoomSingapore’s Ministry of Education (MOE) stated that it is, "current... [查看全文]