Now a study confirms that mothers today look to their daughters for fashion and beauty inspiration.最近一项研究证实... [查看全文]
An American blogger has discovered three fake Apple stores operating in Kunming city, Yunnan provincial capital in... [查看全文]
The man who has admitted to twin attacks that killed at least 76 people in Norway is likely 'insane' an... [查看全文]
许多80后都经历过痴迷于游戏的童年时代,那些刺激好玩的电玩给予了他们最美好的记忆和最激动的回味。近日,一部名为《玩大的》电影在网上掀... [查看全文]
The FBI are planning to contact actor Jude Law after he claimed that his cell phone was hacked into when he w... [查看全文]
7月23日晚,浙江温州发生动车追尾事故(rear-end collision)。噩梦之后,亲历灾难的幸存者们更加认识到了生命的可贵。"Thank goodness I... [查看全文]
1.Insult her style贬低她的穿着风格How do I look? 我看上去怎么样You look like a cow. 你看上去像头奶牛Well, fuck you! ... [查看全文]
Forty-year-old Peng Junfeng sued his former employer for not paying him for 3,509 hours of overtime work, Chongqi... [查看全文]
When I will leave, you must guard at my side. Never say I can’t bear to watch it or let it happen in ... [查看全文]
中国篮球传奇人物姚明周三正式宣布退役,结束了具有开创意义但饱受伤病折磨的职业篮球生涯,其中包括他代表美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)休斯顿火箭队(Houston Rockets)八次亮相全明星赛。 [查看全文]