Many fathers these days want it all -- time with kids, promotions at work and a spouse who shares the parenting duties. 如今许多父亲都想多样兼得有时间陪孩子,工作上获得晋升,妻子可以分担养家的责任。 But some say they would trade in their commute and office gig for a stay-at-home role. 不过,也有些父亲 [查看全文]
'TALKING brightly of nest-building and the joy of time alone with her husband, these are the letters of an apparently blissful bride. Yet as was to become all too clear, Dianas marriage to Prince Charles was riddled with tensions from the start. Despite t [查看全文]
Apart from working and sleeping, the thing Americans do the most is watch TV5 hours a day on average. But all that time in front of the tube may up your risk of death, according to a review in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Researche [查看全文]
Tired of social networking? Logging off Facebook? Youre probably not the only one. 厌倦了社交网站?注销了Facebook账户?这么做的人可不只你一个。 Fearing for [查看全文]
Brits are among the most bullied workers in the world - with a staggering seven in ten having been picked on by bosses or colleagues, a new study found. 一项新研究发现,英国人在职场上所受的欺凌是全世界最多的,多达七成的英国人曾经被上司或同事刁难。 More than a third, 36 per cent, have been driven to te [查看全文]
Being crushed under a mountain of debt is typically frowned upon. Not being able to pay for goods outright, and then being hit by extortionate interest rates which spiral out of control, is the stuff of financial nightmares. But new research has suggested [查看全文]
If you keep hearing things that aren't there, you're probably drinking too much coffee. 如果你总是幻听,可能是因为咖啡喝太多。 Just five cups a day could be enough to make your ears play tricks on you, according to researchers. 研究 [查看全文]
China is celebrating its first Grand Slam tennis champion, the tattooed and free-spirited Li Na, not just as a new sporting icon but as a new face for her country. 身上刺有纹身、行事不拘一格的李娜成为中国首位大满贯网球赛冠军 [查看全文]
Children struggle with maths and making friends when their parents divorce, a study has found. They often fall behind classmates whose parents stay married, suffering from anxiety, loneliness and feeling sad - and may never catch up academically. Cont [查看全文]
Two in three people have given up their dream of owning a home, research shows. High prices, a shortage of homes and a mortgage drought are being blamed for driving a change in expectations. The credit crunch means that as in Europe future generations [查看全文]