美国共和党众议员Steve King和参议员Jim Inhofe最近提案(the English Language Unity Act of 2011),要将英语定为美国政府的官方工作语言。 Two conservative Republican lawmakers, Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) [查看全文]
小编语:愚人节又来到!看看大家在愚人节这天都是怎么恶作剧,整蛊身边的人的。 The day that gullible people dread and pranksters adore is on its way. April Fools' Day begins in only a matter of hours and ent [查看全文]
The crisis in Japan has boosted interest in nuclear-related museums and plants, once-secret Manhattan Project complexes and areas laid waste by disaster. 日本的核危机使人们对核相关的博物馆和工业产生了兴趣,对一度机 [查看全文]
Kate Middleton has followed the example of her fianc, Prince William, by opting for a distinctly low-key hen night. 凯特米德尔顿日前效法未婚夫威廉王子,低调举办了婚前单身派对。 Miss Middleton secretly celebrate [查看全文]
More than 134 countries across the world, including the UK, switched off their lights for an hour on Sunday to support action to create a sustainable future for the planet. 上周日(译者注:北京时间上周六),全球超过134个 [查看全文]
Broadway's lights will darken on Friday in tribute to actress Elizabeth Taylor, who died in Los Angeles aged 79 on Wednesday. 为向刚刚辞世的女演员伊丽莎白泰勒致敬,百老汇将在本周五晚熄灯。伊丽莎白泰勒于本 [查看全文]
Pretty women are less likely than plain Janes to offer to contribute towards the bill on a first date, research shows. 研究发现,和相貌平平的女子相比,美女初次约会时主动提出要帮忙付账单的可能性较低。 [查看全文]
One of Taiwan's top Japanese restaurants is offering diners the use of a radiation gauge before they eat in case of any nerves in the wake of Japan's nuclear disaster. 台湾的一家顶级日本料理店将为食客在进餐前提供辐射侦 [查看全文]
相关背景:利比亚首都的黎波里连续第三个晚上遭受轰炸。由联合国批准对利比亚发动攻击的国家表示,利比亚领导人卡扎菲不是它们的直接目标,虽然卡扎菲的一处驻地遭到了空袭。 [查看全文]
相关背景: 作为联军准备执行联合国1973号决议行动的一部分,一艘皇家海军的潜艇和一架皇家空军的狂风喷气式战机已经加入到了针对利比亚军事设施的打击行动中。 The Chief of Defen [查看全文]