A JAPANESE man who was swept 15km out to sea by Japan's deadly tsunami was plucked to safety today after being spotted clinging to a piece of wreckage, officials said. 据官方称,一名日本男子在刚刚发生海啸中被冲到离岸 [查看全文]
Japanese news agencies are saying the death toll has exceeded 1,000. 日本新闻社称死亡人数很有可能已经超过1000. A bullet train carrying hundreds of passengers through the Miyagi region has been reported missing.A second tra [查看全文]
He might only be slightly taller than a glass bottle, but Junrey Balawing is set to break big world records. The tiny teenager will soon be crowned the world's smallest man, standing at a mere 22 inches. Junrey Balawing可能只比一个玻璃 [查看全文]
According to a new study, getting shut-eye before you learn is important, because it will help you store knowledge learned earlier. 最新研究显示,学习之前小憩一下非常重要,因为这一眨眼的休息能够帮你牢记之前 [查看全文]
A Romanian woman has told how she became the world's youngest grandmother - at just 23. 世界上最年轻的祖母是罗马尼亚的一名女子,她在23岁的时候就当上了祖母。 Mother-of-two Rifca Stanescu was 12 when she had h [查看全文]
According to the China earthquake measuring, Beijing time at 0:19 on March 8, 2011 Taikang Zhoukou City in Henan Province, Fugou County, Xihua County border (latitude 34.0 north, longitude 114.6) occurred 4.3 earthquake focal depth of 10 km [查看全文]
Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, 68, who has dedicated his life to studying the Dark Arts, has opened the world's only registered wizard academy, the Grey School of Wizardry, the first wizard school to be officially recognized as an academic establi [查看全文]
Researchers discovered the brain's self-control mechanism provides restraint in all areas at once. 研究人员发现大脑的自控机制能让所有部分同时受到抑制。 They found people with a full bladder were able to better cont [查看全文]
The Earth could be on the brink of the sixth mass extinction in history, claim scientists. 科学家声称,地球可能要迎来第六次大规模物种灭绝。 They believe that the steep decline in populations of many animal species, f [查看全文]
An unemployed salesman who is desperate to find work put himself up for sale on eBay on Monday. 英国《每日邮报》3月1日称,一个丢了工作的销售员求职无望,周一在易趣网上挂牌卖起了自己。 Determined Davi [查看全文]