The analysis revealed having an attractive husband or boyfriend was no barrier to a relationship succeeding. But, if it was the woman who was the one blessed with good looks, the relationships tended to last only a matter of months, the jou [查看全文]
Teens perceived by their teachers to having a positive childhood were more likely to have higher well-being in middle-age, British researchers say. 英国专家称,一个人如果在童年时期积极活跃,那么他也更有可能拥有幸 [查看全文]
Pretending to be happy can actually make you more miserable - especially if you're a woman, according to a new study. 一项新研究显示,假装快乐反而会让你觉得更加抑郁,对女性来说,尤其如此。 Researchers foun [查看全文]
Scientists from University of Michigan have created the world's smallest computer system to help treat glaucoma patients. At just one square millimeter in size, the tiny device is a pressure monitor that is implanted in a person's eye. 美国 [查看全文]
For most little girls, a cake will suffice for her sixth birthday. But not so for Gracie, whose mother Nicole spent a staggering $32,000 on her birthday party. 对于大多数小女孩来讲,一块生日蛋糕就是对自己六岁生日的最 [查看全文]
He is 66 years old, and he has 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren, all living under one roof - a four storied building with 100 rooms in a mountainous village in Mizoram state in India. 66岁的他有39个妻子、94个孩子以及3 [查看全文]
Remains of the newest member of the dinosaurs were discovered recently in the American state of Utah by a team of British and American scientists. Named the Brontomerus Mcintoshi, the creature has been given the nickname thunder thighs beca [查看全文]
A modified printers is developed to produce skin for burn victims, According to scientists from Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Cornell University and the Medical University of South Carolina. 威克森林再生医学研究所 [查看全文]
Women's fear of being stereotyped by male service providers shapes their consumer choices, US, South Korean and Canadian researchers say. 一项由美国、韩国和加拿大的研究者共同发起的研究称,男服务提供者的性别成 [查看全文]
Japan has suspended its annual whale hunt in the Antarctic for now after a hardline anti-whaling group gave chase to its mother ship and it may call the fleet back home, a government official said. 日本某政府官员日前表示,由于捕 [查看全文]