从农历正月初一开始的节庆活动可谓丰富多彩,多种多样。 A series of colorful celebration activities begin on the first day of the first lunar month. 春节过了以后,就是在过去中国的农村里边,文艺的活 [查看全文]
Chicago police said a man charged with criminal trespassing at O'Hare International Airport has been arrested more than 250 times. 美国芝加哥警方称一男子在芝加哥国际航空港因非法侵入再次遭逮捕。此前他已被逮 [查看全文]
在很多城市的郊区或是建筑工地都可以看到这样的广告:住人集装箱,每个每月6元。在日益飙升的房价下,这种超低租金的住房日益得到工地民工、底层市民,甚至穷困大学生的青睐。 [查看全文]
According to the Daily Mail on January 25, Pretty, 41, from Bournemouth, UK, was first due to marry fianc Trevor, three years ago, but a series of disasters prevented the couple from actually tying the knot. The pair called off their first [查看全文]
Sweden's largest train station, Stockholm's Central Station, has begun harvesting the body heat of the passengers to warm a nearby building. About 250,000 people pass through the station each day. 瑞典最大的火车站斯德哥尔摩中央 [查看全文]
A five-star hotel in Suzhou, East China's Jiangsu Province, has introduced a family reunion dinner on Chinese New Year's eve with a whopping price of 38,8888 yuan ($61,728). The dinner is regarded as the most expensive reunion dinner in Chi [查看全文]
Researchers believe that reciting facts shortly after learning them is better than many new-style educational methods. 研究人员认为课后立即背诵比许多新的教育方法更有效。 The simple recall seems to cement the knowled [查看全文]
They sound like a healthy alternative to fizzy drinks But while Vitamin Water may appear virtuous, each brightly-coloured bottle contains as much as five teaspoons of sugar. Yesterday advertising watchdogs banned makers Coca-Cola from boast [查看全文]
According to the BBC on January 18, researchers in Australia have discovered a secret weakness of Sharks, which seem are completely color blind. 据英国广播公司1月18日报道,澳大利亚科学家近期研究发现鲨鱼的一个秘密 [查看全文]
A cat has been summoned to do jury service, even after his owners told the court he was unable to speak and understand English, the Daily Telegraph reports. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,一只猫咪被要求加入陪审团,尽管它 [查看全文]