Apart from the death of a loved one, it is probably the most stressful experience life can throw at you. 抛开爱人去世这种痛苦不说,离婚可能是生活中最痛苦的经历的。 But research suggests that divorce can be good [查看全文]
Prince William and Kate Middleton have released official photographs to mark their engagement, taken by celebrated fashion photographer Mario Testino. 英国威廉王子和准王妃凯特米德尔顿日前公布了官方订婚照,著名时尚 [查看全文]
Tokyo business people sleep less than overseas peers New York may be known as the city that never sleeps, but Tokyo business people get less time in the sack than their New York peers -- and also those in Paris, Stockholm and Shanghai. 尽管 [查看全文]
Britain is now the fat man of Europe with one in four labelled obese It's official - Britons are the fattest people in Europe, a report found today. 今日发布的一项报告称,据官方统计,英国人是全欧洲最胖的人。 It [查看全文]
Guangzhou, November 10 - The opening ceremony of the 16th Asian Games Youth Camp, an important cultural event for the Asiad, was staged in University Town International Hotel, South China University of Technology on Wednesday afternoon. Ove [查看全文]
China internet users forced to choose in software row Hundreds of millions of internet users must choose between China's top internet chat programme and its best selling internet security tool. China has more than 400m internet users They h [查看全文]
据中国网日语版介绍,中国观光研究院预测今年国庆长假将有2亿1000万游客出游。持续1到8月的良好情况,今年的国庆长假将是创近年来最多游客人数的一个长假。 据旅行社相关人士透 [查看全文]
Governments, businesses and society at large need to work together on problems The world's many thorny issues can only be solved through the collective wisdom of governments, businesses and society at large, said Klaus Schwab, the founder a [查看全文]
US President Barack Obama pushed billions of dollars in new business tax incentives and spending on big construction projects Wednesday, trying to convince a balky Congress to pass measures intended to spur the economy and create jobs. Obam [查看全文]
父母毁掉了我的自信心!我差点被老爸从阳台扔下去!我们的父母大多不懂得自我反省这一个个尖锐话题都来自于一个叫父母皆祸害的讨论小组。这是一个专供网友讨论父母问题的话题 [查看全文]