中国国务院总理温家宝9日继续在甘肃舟曲灾区看望受灾群众,慰问抢险队伍,指导救灾工作。他强调,要继续把抢救生命放在第一位,扩大范围全力搜救被掩埋幸存人员,有力有序做好 [查看全文]
编辑点评:6月20日,一场全球私人甄选佳丽的活动在广州天河区一高档写字楼高调举行,该活动是为18位个人总资产在5000万元以上的富豪全球甄选佳丽,而每位富豪更是为该活动每人豪掷 [查看全文]
编辑点评:圣元优博,58种营养素,让妈妈的爱没有缺憾。这句电视广告词,令无数中国年轻妈妈倍感温馨。然而现在,圣元奶粉却因女婴性早熟事件饱受质疑。几天前,武汉三名女婴 [查看全文]
scene of the lecture Expo 2010's Guangxi Week was marked on Wednesday with a lecture at Shanghai Library by Song Jidong, deputy director of the Guangxi Pavilion. Guangxi is a mountaineous region in southwest China inhabited by many ethnic m [查看全文]
Shanghai Party Secretary Yu Zhengsheng, Mayor Han Zheng and other senior municipal officials made separate visits to see Expo workers, security guards, cleaners and volunteers who spend long hours in the heat wave to ensure Expo's smooth op [查看全文]
As a comfort to people waiting outside in hot weather, the Republic of Korea Pavilion is distributing 1,440 bottles of mineral water to visitors every afternoon. Nearly 100,000 bottles have been handed out since May 26. Meanwhile, the Expo [查看全文]
craft show at the Brunei Darussalam Pavilion mat weaving show at the pavilion crutches made by a 69-year-old master The Brunei Darussalam Pavilion is showcasing the country's traditional craft, such as crutch making, mat weaving and basket [查看全文]
Danish delicacies served at the bar Danish delicacies served at the bar The newly-opened street bar outside the Denmark Pavilion is inviting Expo visitors to sinking their teeth into some Danish delicacies. On the manu are strawberry compot [查看全文]
To crack down on a snowballing number of fake tickets to the China Pavilion, the Expo bureau plans early last month to change the ticket to be like a credit card with anti-counterfeiting chips, Hong Hao, director of the Bureau of Shanghai W [查看全文]
The Expo site attracted 417,600 visitors as of 7:30pm yesterday, bringing the total number of visitors to 34.0648 million since the Expo's opening on May 1. It was the 25th consecutive day that daily attendance averaged more than 400,000. A [查看全文]