A visitor surnamed Xu from Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, received a gift set from staff of the Russia Pavilion as the 2 millionth visitor to t... [查看全文]
Don Quixote, the whimsical, idealistic and somewhat crazed Spanish knight, continues his adventures in Shanghai - in Chinese. As part of the... [查看全文]
A total of 552,100 visitors packed the Expo site as of 8:00pm yesterday, breaking the record of 552,000 visitors on June 15. The total visi... [查看全文]
On June 23, a peasant’s hen laid a seriouly misshapen egg which has taken on a similar shape to a banana in Wuyuan, Jiangxi Province... [查看全文]
从今日(10年6月24日)起,新版《红楼梦》将陆续登陆湖南(经视)青岛、上海等各地方台(非上星频道),进行首次大范围试播。这部历经全民选秀、导演请辞、演员被换、造型挨砖等种种... [查看全文]
Mayor urges teams to brace for summer heat A performer outside France Pavilion entertains queuing visitors. Shanghai Mayor Han Zheng yesterday... [查看全文]
Dream wedding held at Expo Culture Center Forty couples tied the knot at a romantic French-style wedding in the Expo Culture Center this aft... [查看全文]
Visitors catch lucky break Attendance dropped from more than 420,000 on Saturday to about 350,000 yesterday as people expected heavy rain. But... [查看全文]
scene of the forum China's Minister of Science and Technology Wan Gang addresses the forum. Liang Baohua, chief of the Communist Party of C... [查看全文]
"Slumdog's" Boyle to direct 2012 Olympic ceremony 伦敦2012年奥运会组委会昨日宣布,凭借《贫民窟的百万富翁》获奥斯卡最佳导演奖的丹尼•博伊尔将加盟伦敦奥运... [查看全文]