当地时间5月19日晚,伦敦奥组委公布了2012年伦敦奥运会和残奥会的吉祥物,奥运会的吉祥物的名字为文洛克,而残奥会的吉祥物名为曼德维尔。两个吉祥物均为只有一只眼睛的金属机... [查看全文]
巴黎现代艺术博物馆5幅稀世名画19日夜间被盗,失窃的5幅画分别为毕加索的《鸽子与青豆》、亨利•马蒂斯的油画《田园曲》、乔治•布拉克的《埃斯塔克附近的橄榄树》、... [查看全文]
Beijing holds Global Summit of Women 2010 The Global Summit of Women 2010 opened Thursday in Beijing and was attended by more than 1,000 w... [查看全文]
整日奔忙于工作和家庭的女性总是抱怨时间不够用。为此,加拿大一些女性自发成立了一个名为“25小时联盟”的组织,呼吁政府将现行的时钟体系改为25小时,以便让她们有多一点的... [查看全文]
Commercial Airline Crashes In Afghanistan A commercial plane carrying 43 people crashed Monday morning while passing through bad weather over a... [查看全文]
Ash Threat Shuts London Air Hubs ... [查看全文]
New British PM bans mobile phones at cabinet meetings Britain's new Prime Minister David Cameron on Thursday banned the use of mobile phone... [查看全文]
Nissan Considers China Expansion Nissan Motor Co. said it may boost production capacity in China next fiscal year, depending on market conditio... [查看全文]
China increases safety measures around campuses Special unit policemen show security guards and faculty staff defense skills in a middle sch... [查看全文]
Rescue workers examine the debris of Afriqiyah airline flight 8U771 at Tripoli airport May 12, 2010. [page] A rescue worker searches through... [查看全文]