希腊的游行抗议人群 Three Killed in Fire as Strikes Grip Greece A nationwide general strike paralyzed Greece on Wednesday as protests against the... [查看全文]
被国际展览局秘书长洛塞泰斯誉为“世博会史上革命性创举”的网上上海世博会(www.expo.cn)将于5月1日全面上线。上海世博局副局长朱咏雷透露,4月30日晚上11点以后,网上世博会... [查看全文]
The leaders of Britain's three main parties drilled home their central economic messages and attacked their opponents in a tense final telev... [查看全文]
Korean first woman to climb world's 14 highest peaks 现年44岁的韩国女登山云队员吴银善于4月27日在尼泊尔登顶世界第十高的安娜普尔纳峰,成为全世界首位征服了全... [查看全文]
Samantha Cameron, wife of the leader of the U.K.'s main opposition party, prepared a cup of tea in her kitchen here on a recent Friday mor... [查看全文]
Volcanic ash crisis cost airlines €2.5 billion 欧盟近日公布的数据显示,冰岛火山灰对欧盟航空业造成的经济损失大约在15到25亿欧元之间,受火山灰影响而采取... [查看全文]
现年29岁,金发碧眼、有着甜美微笑的凯瑟琳•伯斯诺尔将在5月25日宣誓成为英国温莎市的市长,她将是英国历史上最年轻的市长。凯瑟琳表示自己当选并不是因为长相... [查看全文]
Facebook is the UK's fastest growing video site Facebook is the fastest growing video site in the UK over the last year, according to n... [查看全文]
Chinese property developers are lining up to sell bonds to international investors-a welcome development for those who want to see the country... [查看全文]
Police had put out an appeal for information on a black robber after six strikes on banks and pharmacies in the space of a month。... [查看全文]