编辑点评:这位上世纪80年代的乒球偶像、奠定乒球最近15年辉煌的功臣,走上足球前台,还要履行完正式程序,等待因意外因素一再推迟的足代会蔡振华需要在会上当选主席。 在披露 [查看全文]
performance at the opening ceremony of the Guangdong Week performance at the opening ceremony of the Guangdong Week performance at the opening ceremony of the Guangdong Week performance at the opening ceremony of the Guangdong Week Hundreds [查看全文]
The Madrid Pavilion will be turned into a venue for cross-cultural exchange and dialogue between East and West by presenting Desordance, a dancing show blending Arabic and Latin flavor, from today to August 2. Spanish performers are ready t [查看全文]
编辑点评:近日,交通银行、广东发展银行等部分银行调高同城ATM跨行取款手续费,引起各方关注。中国银行业协会表示,调整ATM跨行取款收费标准合法合规,建议客户根据自身情况选 [查看全文]
Chinese pianist Lang Lang poses with Grammy and Oscar-winning composer and conductor Tan Dun and performers. scene of the performance scene of the performance Chinese pianist Lang Lang, one of the three ambassadors for the 2010 World Expo, [查看全文]
Representatives of China and nine Central and Eastern European countries gathered at the Poland Pavilion this morning to discuss the prospect and new opportunities of economic cooperation between China and the Central and Eastern European r [查看全文]
Expo visitors exceed 32m A total of 451,000 visitors packed the Expo site by 8pm yesterday, bringing the total Expo visitor number to 32.25 million. It was the 21st consecutive day that daily attendance averaged more than 400,000. Among yes [查看全文]
On the opening ceremony of Experience Expo Online Tour Deputy director general of the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination Zhu Yonglei delivers a speech. Mikko Puustinen, deputy commissioner general of Finland, submits Finland experie [查看全文]
Beijing's traffic may now be the worst in the world, but natives have long known the capital's streets aren't as hard to navigate as its housing. 北京的交通可能是世界上最糟糕的,但北京人长期以来就知道,北京的街 [查看全文]
环境污染日益严重,由此引发的气候危机也越来越明显。极端天气不断增多,这不仅影响了人们的正常生活,还给农业、旅游业、娱乐业等对天气异常敏感的行业带来了不小的损失。因 [查看全文]