A smart housewife was told that there was a kind of stove which would only consume half of the coal she was ... [查看全文]
Son: Why are hen's legs so short?Dad: You're a fool. If the hen's legs were too long, wouldn't t... [查看全文]
One day a bunch of naughty children wanted to make fun of him and said to him: There are birds' eggs on ... [查看全文]
"Waitress," shouted the impatient diner, "do I have to sit here and starve all night?""no, sir, we close at nin... [查看全文]
A police stopped a motorist who was speeding on the street. "But officer," the man said, "I can explain.""Just ... [查看全文]
An Englishman lost his way while he was driving in the countryside. He saw a farmer working in the field nearb... [查看全文]
Old Farmer Johnson was dying. The family was standing around his bed. With a low voice he said to his wife: "... [查看全文]
A wealthymatron(主妇,保姆)is so proud of a valuableantique(古董)vase that she decides to have her bedroom paint... [查看全文]
Professor Tom was going to meet his students on the next day,so he wrote some words on the blackboard which re... [查看全文]
A lawyer's dog, running about unleashed, beelines for a butcher shop and steals a roast. Butcher goes to law... [查看全文]