A man is driving up a steep, narrow mountain road. A woman is driving down the same road. As they pass each other, the woman leans out of the window and yells PIG!! The man immediately leans out of his window and replies, WITCH(女巫)!! Th [查看全文]
A duck walks into a bar and asks the bartender for corn. The bartender says We have no corn, get out of here. So the duck leaves. The next day he comes back and asks for corn again, and the bartender says I told you, we don't have any corn! [查看全文]
A blonde thought if she died her hair brown she would become smarter. While driving in the country she spotted this farmer herding sheep and asked him If I guess how many sheep you have will you let me have one? The man said Sure. Well she [查看全文]
A couple drove down a country road for several miles, not saying a word. An earlier discussion had led to an argument and neither of them wanted to concede their position. As they passed a barnyard of mules, goats and pigs, the husband aske [查看全文]
A little girl asked her mother, How did the human race appear? The mother answered, God made Adam and Eve and they had children, and so was all mankind made.. Two days later the girl asked her father the same question. The father answered, [查看全文]
While proudly showing off his new apartment to friends, a college student led the way into the den. What is the big brass gong and hammer for? one of his friends asked. That is the talking clock, the man replied. How's it work? Watch, the m [查看全文]
One winter morning, an employee explained why he had shown up for work 45 minutes late. It was so slippery out that for every step I took ahead, I slipped back two. 一个冬天的早上,职员在向老板解释为什么他迟到了45分钟 [查看全文]
Lawyer: Now that you have been acquitted, will you tell me truly? Did you steal the car? 律师:现在你被开释了,你能告诉我真相吗?你真的偷了车吗? Client: After hearing your amazing argument in court this morning, [查看全文]
Walking up to a department store's fabric counter, the pretty girl said, I would like to buy this material for a new dress. How much does it cost? Only one kiss per yard, replied the male clerk with a smirk. That's fine, said the girl. I'll [查看全文]
One Chinese person walked into a bar in America late one night and he saw Steven Spielberg. 在美国,一个中国人深夜进了一间酒吧,他看到了斯蒂文斯皮尔伯格。 As he was a great fan of his movies, he rushes over to [查看全文]