英语笑话722 God is missing 上帝丢了Two little boys, aged eight and ten, were excessively mischievous. The two were... [查看全文]
英语笑话721 Where is God? 上帝在哪里?A Sunday school teacher asked his class, “Where is God?” A boy raised his... [查看全文]
英语笑话720 A nickel is bigger than a dime 五分的硬币比一角的大There was a little boy named Johnny who used to h... [查看全文]
英语笑话719 Johnny failed exam 强尼考试不及格Johnny failed the exam. His friend asked, “Why did you get such a l... [查看全文]
英语笑话718 It's Little Johnny again 又是小强尼A new teacher was trying to make use of her psychology courses. Sh... [查看全文]
英语笑话717 How many birds left? 还剩几只鸟A teacher asks her class, “If there are 5 birds sitting on a fence ... [查看全文]
英语笑话716 How are the rooms appointed? 房间里有什么家具和设施?Lisa was working at a Maine coastal resort when sh... [查看全文]
英语笑话715 Double Positive 双重肯定A linguistics professor was lecturing his class. “In English,” he explained, ... [查看全文]
英语笑话714 What's your number? 你的电话号码是什么?As a high school football coach, I'm aware that student athletes... [查看全文]
英语笑话713 John XXIII Hall 约翰二十三世会堂As a Dominican sister, I lived in a convent named for a deceased pope... [查看全文]