英语笑话702 I'm Number One 我是第一名When I went inside the station to pay for my tank of gas, I noticed a sig... [查看全文]
英语笑话701 Free Box 免费纸箱At their tag sale, my daughters put all of the “junk” they just wanted to get ri... [查看全文]
英语笑话700 Rich 富After moving to the United States, a Chinese student decided to have an English name. She cho... [查看全文]
英语笑话699 My Object of Adoration 我的偶像Aboard the USS Tarawa, I posted a picture of my beloved truck in my ... [查看全文]
英语笑话698 I'm going to miss you 我会想你的It was a very emotional time for me—my son was about to leave for... [查看全文]
英语笑话697 Post-partying Depression 宴会后忧郁症Following a blowout shindig the night before, a co-worker was lookin... [查看全文]
英语笑话696 Fired from my first job 失去我的第一份工作Getting fired from my first job wasn't fun, but it was quic... [查看全文]
英语笑话695 A Real Person 真的人Manning the computer help desk for the local school district was my first job. I... [查看全文]
英语笑话694 Knuckles drag on the floor 手掌拖着地My sister walked into a men's clothing store to buy a shirt for... [查看全文]
英语笑话693 How on earth did you do that? 你究竟为什么要这么干?I was sitting in the foyer of a bank when a you... [查看全文]